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rocket science 火箭科學;〔比喻〕艱深的學問;〔比喻〕復雜傷神的工作。

rocket scientist

The plain english campaign , which offers annual awards for good use of the language , surveyed its 5 , 000 supporters in more than 70 countries for the poll . other terms that received multiple nominations included : absolutely ; the issue ; around ; awesome ; basically ; bear with me ; bottom line ; crack troops ; glass half full or half empty ; i hear what you ' re saying ; in terms of ; it ' s not rocket science ; literally ; ongoing ; pushing the envelope ; the fact of the matter is ; to be honest to be honest with you to be perfectly honest and 此外,還有一些短語也獲得了多項提名,如: “毫無疑問” “處理問題” “大約” “棒極了” “基本上” “寬容我一下” “底線” “襲擊軍隊” “半瓶水滿,半瓶水空” “我聽到你所說的” “在方面” , “這不是什么高深莫測的事” “從字面上來看” “正在進行的” “挑戰極限” “事實是” “說老實話”和“保持聯系” 。

Other terms that received multiple nominations included : absolutely ; the issue ; around ; awesome ; basically ; bear with me ; bottom line ; crack troops ; glass half full or half empty ; i hear what you ' re saying ; in terms of ; it ' s not rocket science ; literally ; ongoing ; pushing the envelope ; the fact of the matter is ; to be honest to be honest with you to be perfectly honest and formed in 1979 , the plain english campaign is an independent group that campaigns against cliches , jargon and obfuscation , particularly in official and public documents 此外,還有一些短語也獲得了多項提名,如: “毫無疑問” “處理問題” “大約” “棒極了” “基本上” “寬容我一下” “底線” “襲擊軍隊” “半瓶水滿,半瓶水空” “我聽到你所說的” “在方面” , “這不是什么高深莫測的事” “從字面上來看” “正在進行的” “挑戰極限” “事實是” “說老實話”和“保持聯系” 。

Lauderdale , fla . “ the old me was critical , always finding fault with things that didn ' t work . ” in june 2002 , for example , the journal computer published his excoriation of the consumer electronics industry for the absurd “ living - room rocket science ” needed to get high - end home theater components to function together 比如他在2002年6月,曾于《電腦》雜志的文章中痛批消費性電子產業,因為要讓高消費家庭劇院的各個部份能夠整合運作,彷佛在從事荒謬的客廳火箭科學。

Marketing isn ' t rocket science . but there ' s still a lesson or two the technology cmo can teach his professional services counterpart 營銷雖不像極為精準的火箭科學,可是技術行業營銷官還是可以給他的服務業同行傳授一兩招訣竅的。

If you don ' t know the specific skills required ( regardless of how “ easy “ and “ simple “ they are ) , it might as well be “ rocket science ! 如果你不了解這些技能,不管它們多么簡單,你都會覺得它們很難。

“ tommy ' s a friend of mine , we write music , it ' s not rocket science , it ' s not that hard . “湯米是我的朋友,我們一起寫歌,這不像讓火箭上天,不是很難。 ”

“ you don ' t have to be a genius to play basketball , ” jackson said . “ this isn ' t rocket science 禪師說: “每一個人都不是籃球天才,我們要循序漸進。 ”

Again , this isn t rocket science - just a little bit of a lexical twist 同樣,這也不是什么火箭科學,只不過是詞法上的變異。

It ' s not rocket science 這不是火箭技術。

It ' s not rocket science , falk 這不是什么高難技術,福克

They ' re not gifted people , jared . this is not rocket science 他們不是天才,杰拉德這也不是火箭科學

Now , that s hardly rocket science , is it 現在來看一下,這是晦澀的火箭科學,是嗎?

This is really complicated . - it ' s rocket science 這真的太復雜了-這是尖端技術

- this is really complicated . - it ' s rocket science -這真的太復雜了-這是尖端技術